Dark dominion Not a speck of light in sight Feverish and fatigued I walk Searching for that glimmer of hope Am I destined to find that which I seek? I follow the path laid out in front of me I follow To who am I so bound? Where is this free will that eludes me now? To who am I so bound? Where is my free will? It eludes me now Blinded ever still I attempt to claw my way out of this dark abyss The precocious arcane knowledge that I possess feels drained And alien to me now Soon enough I will find you I gather strength and release a flash of light Revealing the soul of the darkness It shows the way and a figure stands before me All along you were present within me Ages ago you vanished Uncertainty, confusion, hatred, relief You shall not escape again Staring down at torment itself I reveal all that plagued my soul My hatred resurfaces A sinister wave of energy emits from me Haunting memories, I shall not back down... I unleash Here you found your final resting place