
Skin By Skin


Tom: E

                       From "Steelbath Suicide"
                              Version 1.0

Transcribed by: Mike Iuzzolino

For Questions, Comments, Corrections, Requests
please contact at *

.  - palm mute                          /  - slide up to
\  - slide down to                      ~  - vibrato
"  - tremelo picking       // with p above - Pick Scape
p  - pull off                           h  - hammer-on
r  - release bend                       b  - bend

Tune 2.5 steps down (BEADGB)

 0:00 - 0:09
       Riff  1A
                       P1,P3          P2           P4
|------------------|-----------|--------------|----------| Gtr I
      . .   .        . .          . .

 0:09 - 0:27
       Riff 2A                             (2x)
|-------------------------------------------7---| Gtr I
|----7--5-5---5-7-5----------5-4-------5--0---5-| + Gtr II

 0:27 - 0:45
        Riff 3A (2x)
                      P1,P3          P2             P4
|---------------|--------------|---------------|-----------7---| Gtr I
|-------------9-|--------------|---------------|------5--0---5-| + Gtr II
      . .   .        . .            . .

 0:46 - 0:57
      Riff 4A
|--------------------------------|------|----------| Gtr I
|-2-------2-------2-------2------|------|----------| + Gtr II
     . .     . .     . .     . .

 0:58 - 1:13
      Riff 5A (2x)
|-------------------------------------------------------------------------(4)---| Gtr I
|---------------------------------------------------------------------4---------| Gtr II

 1:13 - 1:36
      Riff 6A
|---4---------------4---------------4--------------4--------------2-2---2-2-----| Gtr I
|-4-------------------------------------------------------------2---------------| Gtr II

                                     P1    P2
|-2-2------------2-2---2-2---2-2-|-------|-4-| Gtr I
|---(2)-------------2-----------(2)------|-4-| Gtr II

 1:37 - 1:47                         1:47 - 1:58
      Riff 7A              (4x)           7B
  . . .   . . .   . . .   . . .

* - Let chords sorta ring out in Riff 7A.
* - Gtr I plays 7A alone twice then gtr II comes in 3rd time.
* - 7B is same as 7A but dont let chords ring. Only on the second and fourth
    times you go threw the riff let the last chord ring.

 1:58 - 2:15
      Riff 8A                                                        (4x)

Riff 7A - 2x (2:15 - 2:20)
Riff 7B - 2x (2:20 - 2:25)

 2:26 - 2:35

 2:35 - 2:45

 2:46 - 2:55                                   2:56 - 3:05

Guitar II under solo - ???

 Riff 3A - 2x (3:06 - 3:27)

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