You are the gravity
In my candy cane

You make the lines stay
On the highway

You move the drawers
So I can't get in

You never make
Eye contact with a friend

Boo-boo da-shoo kakoo-kakoo
Boo-boo da-shoo kakoo-kakoo

Oh what am I saying
When I say it

Is it a game
Or is it perfect

Your face is dark
When I shine my light

It's only bright
When I am close

So hold me close
And I won't fight it

You do the talking
So I don't have to

Can you smoke me
Will you beat me

I don't know if
I'm good at racing

Boo-boo da-shoo kakoo-kakoo
Boo-boo da-shoo kakoo-kakoo

What am I saying
When I say it

Is it a game
Or is it perfect

Your face is dark
When I shine my light

It's only bright
When I am close

So can you hold me
Near you so I can

Feel your warmth
Feel your tingling inside me