Sofia Portanet

Art Deco

Sofia Portanet

It's me
I am your trophy
I'm yours
Yes, you won me

A glorious trophy up on your wall
Exhibited to make you feel less small
Proof of your strength
Your pride and know-how
A splendid painting with no name
Sublime in its presence and perfectly framed
Pure tones and colors adorn its grace
A speck of dust in an empty space

It's me
I'm yours
It's me
All yours

This chair made to put you at ease
The one that comforts you when you're in need
You let yourself go, it's starting to squeak
This chair, that's me
You carry your handbag everywhere you go
Throw it aside when you arrive
Inside it lies waiting to be found
What you're looking for but it's too deep down

It's you
Not me
It's you
Not me
It's me
I am your trophy
I'm yours
Yes, you won me
It's me
I am your trophy
All yours
Oh, so shiny

A glorious trophy
Up on your wall
Proof of your strength
Your pride and know-how
A splendid painting
With no name
Pure tones and colors sublime
In its presence, a perfect frame
A glorious trophy up on your wall
Exhibited to make you feel less small
Proof of your strength
Your pride and know-how
A glorious trophy up on your wall

It's me
I'm yours
It's me
All yours
It's me
I am your trophy
I'm yours
Yes, you won me
It's me
I am your trophy
All yours
Oh, so shiny
It's me
I am your trophy
I'm yours
Yes, you won me
It's me
I am your trophy
All yours
Oh, so shiny