Tom: G (afinação 1/2 tom abaixo - add palm muting as necessary) (intro) (let chords ring) G C G D G G C G Making believe...that you still love me D G It's leaving me...alone and so blue G C G I'll always dream...but I'll never own you D G Making all I can do (verse 1) G C G Making believe...that you still love me D G It's leaving me...alone and so blue G C G I'll always dream...but I'll never own you D G Making all I can do (verse 2) D G I can't hold you close...darling when you're not with me D G You're somebody's'll never be mine G C G Making believe...I'll spend my lifetime D G Loving you...and making believe (riff) E|-|------------------------------------------------- B|-|------------------------------------------------- G|-|------------------------------------------------- D|-|------------------------------------------------- A|-|-2-2-----2-5-5-7-5-7-5-5-2-2-2---------2-3-2----- E|-|-----5-3-----------------------5-3-2-5-------5-3- E|-|-------------------------------------------------| B|-|-------------------------------------------------| G|-|-4-4-----4-7-7-9-7-9-7-7-4-4-4---------4-5-4-----| D|-|-----7-5-----------------------7-5-4-7-------7-5-| A|-|-------------------------------------------------| E|-|-------------------------------------------------| (verse 2) (riff) (verse 1) (verse 2) (end) D G Just loving you...and making believe D G C G C G Just loving you...and making believe