So Long Forgotten

Of Brilliance And Baptism

So Long Forgotten

Dunk me in the water
I will come out new again
Spirit, fill my mind with color
and I will find you in the end
Fill my life with lovers…
one in music, one in a wife, one in a savior to justify me pride
And I have no need for wealthy brothers
I've no desire for the lavish sort of life
And I just want to please my mother
She aint been right since my father died
…but neither have I, to hell with trying

If ever I knew a god, he was better than the one I've got
If ever I knew a beggar, he was better than the richest lot
And if ever I knew my father…my father, he raised me better

Brace this place with praises
'cause God I need your graces
O' my God, I need your graces
Brace this place with praises
'cause God I need your graces
O' my God, I need your graces

The thing about love, when you haven't given enough
Is it sticks to whatever suits your cause
And love is a colorful thing…hate is a colorful thing
We are such colorful beings
We are brilliant, colorful, colorful beings
We are colorful