O' we built our homes on streets of solid gold and o' we put up our pearly gates to keep the beggars at bay and far across the rising sea a farmer starves so his daughters can eat and we drive up and down our sparkling paved streets but there's an ocean between...so we're free Girl with your gun, girl with your gun Take a step back, see the war that you've won Girl with your gun, girl with your gun We have triumphant freedom We've flown our flags so high, so much higher than our steeples can climb Girl with your gun, girl with your gun Take a step back see the war that you've won Girl with your gun, girl with your gun We have freedom We've such a need for our windows to be clean a sparrow flies in and it breaks his tiny wings but we just wanted for the good lord's creation to be seen all the good in this world, O' it aches and it bleeds (Are we the means to an end? Are we the means to an end?) I'd love to believe the world's not a mess... when our blessings come at the price of the oppressed Girl with your gun, girl with your gun (God bless America?) GOD BLESS EVERYONE