you were just swinging like a dime posing with no reason and no rhyme did you help me find the long way home? sing me songs that I did not know? Id been waking up for quite some time workers breaking pavement outside then one day at the bus stop getting high all legs and all hair dye this is where I realize my trouble comes with bluest eyes now when I walk in the room you know its all I can do to stare at the floor and not to look at you what do you think I am leaning on the wall? what do you think I am, or do you think at all? this is where I realize my trouble comes with bluest eyes now when I walk in the room you know its all I can do to stare at the floor and not to look at you I flavor to taste because taste is free there are so few things between the rent and me you were standing outside of the lines you were just swinging like a dime you were something of a charity and I wanted you to give some to me but what do you think I am, the smoke in your clothes? what do you think I am, or do you think at all?