Snakes In Exile

Black & Blue

Snakes In Exile

Have you ever seen a dark cloud
Hiding away the moonlight
Nothing but the shadow of the night
Have you ever seen a dark cloud, 
hitting away the sunlight
Leaving some black shadow around the eye.

Years and tears of happyness, 
a girl became a wife
Cristal lights were sparkling in her eyes
But now the hands have spoken, 
and the cristal has been broken
Out of tears, promises were lies.

An everyday hang over, 
no struggle to recover
You stumble through the day into the night
You stare into your tea-cup, 
with your fist-crafted make-up
Every beat's a scar upon your heart.

You finally found some hope 
and you tore the circle open
At last the guts to leave it all behind
It took so long to break up, 
it's still with you when you wake up
Be free and fly 'till time will do you part.