Run it up Count it up Run it up Count it up Run it up Count it up Run it up Count it up I turn 5 to a ten I turn ten to a m God forgive my sins Bless this life I live No I can't take no hiatus Bitch I gotta be the greatest Bitch I gotta be the latest Bitch I gotta own your whole playlist Always in your face Fuck your core fan base they gone shop with me Fuck them 7 days straight your shit so weak Let's be clear this my year times like ten million plus two so fuck you Come fuck me baby girl I love you for one night Tat my face on your upper thigh It's a good problem to have no lie, run it up, count it up one more time Run it up, count it up Run it up Count it up Run it up Count it up Run it up Count it up Run it up Count it up I'm so original rare hard to find Gotta make myself available One of a kind baby and it's not debatable Everyday for me for you is just occasional Shine from inside ain't hard to see Swear to God I ain't devil it's the carbon in me 6 neutron strong like the mark of the beast Never be as bad as the business marketing me Hey Run it up We gon run it up He she she we they gon run it up And if my son son son son son son son Don't see none then you know best believe I ain't done enough Yeah do you get it bruh? They don't get it bruh Nigga don't be talk bout none in particular Free my mind I could never be a prisoner This is my world you are just a visitor bay bay Run it up Count it up Run it up Count it up Run it up Count it up Run it up Count it up