Smut Peddlers

Kreuzberg 36

Smut Peddlers

We eat at gas stations all over the place
Cuz mom and dad are misers
But if we go to Berlin and stay at Schlumpf's place
I'll be brunching at the Küchen Kaiser
Heinrich has a penthouse pad
and he wields a big sharp knife
Raking in cash and smoking good hash
seems like a pretty good life
This town's fuckin' sick
Look at all the hairy chicks
Where can we get some kicks?
Kreuzberg 36
Mad Mark, Daniel and their bretheren made it possible
Good people to the bone
They gave us directions to Checkpoint Charlie
And permitted me to use the phone
Oranienstraße is a pure fucking gas
And the mind-blowing Berlin wall
The U-Bahn will take you to Wild at Heart
A world class punk rock hall
The Trinkteufel bar is the best by far
Schlumpf and Herr Schuller drink there
All the girls that you like even the big battle dykes
With pierced faces and zero scalp hair
It's like their version of "Cheers" where you can knock back some beers
And maybe even do up some coke
They drink all night and day and on into the next
and nobody really looks broke
This town's fuckin' sick
Look at all the hairy chicks
Where can we get some kicks?
Kreuzberg 36