Corporate culture produces vultures Dine on 401Ks to minimum wages Producing waste just to sell it back to 'em Politic right through 'em I'll show you how to do 'em screw 'em You got a product. It's faulty? Don't bag it. Repackage and remarket to another demographic The poorer the better, least common denominator The fastest growing market is a sure fire target Yo, least informed most conformed addict If it wasn't for the profits this shit would be tragic We got the media to give you a taste Because every program is a product placed With precision, cut labor like incisions Gone overseas, or sweatshops, to prisons Now we're looking at America not just a teenage wasteland Cuz we got 30-somethings on the lam That's corporate culture Now some say that money isn't everything Put 'em up against the walls, and hang their brains It's like the Handmaid's Tale but it's much worse Caught in the epicenter of my power burst You wanna step to this table and speak for your own We can't hear your tiny voice from the midst of the dead zone Your bite don't harm, we swing nuclear arms Hang your Cruciform over chicken farms So let that shit settle and stay in your ghetto Join the army or drug peddle we don't care It doesn't matter to us, you're just like cattle to us So give your laugher a puff and prole shut the fuck up We making money hand over fist no risk You feeling spider-woman's kiss? Now tell us how that is Living under power structures like a ton of bricks on your back Do all it takes to survive