Smoke Or Fire

What Separates Us All

Smoke Or Fire

Is it so overwhelming to accept the fact 
that everybody feels? 
Then classify, objectify each other 
Whatever helps you sleep 

The upper class, the middle class, the lower 
We're all one of the three 
It's true there is a color divide 
It's not black or white, it's green 

One nation of division and conformity 
Divided we stand, united we'll fall 
So where's this land of equal opportunity? 
Divided we stand, united we'll fall 

As you walk along on stolen ground 
Ignoring poverty 
Remember anyone becomes a criminal 
When you leave them starving 

So ask the pro-life, pro-war, right-wing, Christian 
How their rationale makes sense 
Should they decide whose children live or die 
And whose rights we should defend 

One nation of division and conformity 
Divided we stand, united we'll fall