"Tell Me" Yea this right here is goin out to all them girls out there that did me n south wrong, ya kno? tell you a lil story its the reason love, hate, mistakes, tell me what you think is goin on debates, all day tell me what you think is goin on too late, heartbreak tell me what you think is goin on wats goin on wats goin on yo, eh yo me n miss thang we run a perfect team we had all the things all them other couples fiend love, trust, good sex, and security if you ever felt weak smilez was your energy trips across seas, show you the finer things no more burger king it was fine dine, cuisine and if we never had it, i dont think it mattered we were a classic like nas in illmatic i was so deceived, i thought we had a thing you used to blow my 2 way up wit 143's da L-O-V had me blind i would had to see i trusted my friends, all they were yellin at me how could you do me so wrong, i dont wanna get gone i invested three years ma, plus this song im so confused, where to go? how do i choose? i guess to find real love i gotta pay my dues love, hate, mistakes, tell me what you think is goin on debates, all day tell me what you think is goin on too late, heartbreak tell me what you think is goin on wats goin on wats goin on it seems so good, yo we used to chill in the hood you made me feel that tingle in my heart like nobody could and all alone we stood, when times was hard even before all this rap shit made me a star when i was working two jobs, just to survive when i felt like killin myself you kept me alive wat a pair, me n you, we was a match different tastes, but you kno opposites attract by my side, hold my head, and kept me strong still trying to figure out, where the hell we went wrong i did what i can, young cat made a man stayed and weathered the storm, when most would of ran too much pride, and you kno men dont cry had to let you go even though it hurt inside all by myself, now i had to turn to these rhymes its the only way i kno to release my mind. love, hate, mistakes, tell me what you think is goin on debates, all day tell me what you think is goin on too late, heartbreak tell me what you think is goin on wats goin on wats goin on its been a while yea you kno time goes fast let me tell you though, some things still dont pass sit back in the pad, think about the times we had try not to let it make me sad, or make me mad im tryin to move on wit my life, the wound is healed yea im juss speakin it real, im ready to feel ready to provide for my seed, a man now bet you cant believe its me you ruined a good thing and all of our dreams tryin to lock me down a lifetime in the beam monitoring my calls, griping at my dawgs i never really understood the cause my friends were your friends your friends were my friends your doe was my doe my doe is my doe mano y mano we'll fought this weather, and everybody thats been throught it then sing it together. love, hate, mistakes, tell me what you think is goin on debates, all day tell me what you think is goin on too late, heartbreak tell me what you think is goin on wats goin on wats goin on