Tom: G

Beginning bass riff: (bass may or may not tune down, it's tabbed here without
tuning down)

--3h5-5-5-5\------------3-3-- etc.

Guitar in:

-0-- hold until next part

riff 1
--2--2--(5)(5)(5)(5)(5)(5)(5)(5)(5)--- repeat 8 times until "real...."

Lead part: play after playing riff 1 four times --

Then stop & play:

   Real..heh...heh eal  love (riff 1)
-----------------------------  play that & the riff 1 thing twice

Filler 1
                 She blah blah blah     (hold until snare hit)

Riff 2 -- lots of palm muting


Play four times into "I love my sister so...." and through "would you bury me?"
  slow bend -- snare shot

Chorus 1
             Once you see her...
---5/7-7-7-7\x--------------5-5----------------- repeat 3x

   ...some things you just can't hide
----------5------- go back to chorus 1... you get the idea

Then the break... the second guitar (james) plays a D chord in different
intervals while Billy goes nuts.  Then, once Billy goes into his solo, they
play the Chorus 1 part 4x, and then they play Filler 1 to finish out the solo,
and then they go back into the normal Chorus structure.  Simple! ;)

    D     D     D                             D
----9b10--------7-7-x-x-7-7-x-x-7-7-x-8p7-8p7/10--- into the impossible solo
----------11----7-7-x-x-7-7-x-x-7-7-x-7---7-------- .. even in the demo
--------------------------------------------------- version I have, it's
--------------------------------------------------- impossible.

Solo yank yank

Once you see her... (Chorus thing 2x)

...just can't hide
--------------3-----------------------2--- guitar fades out & it's just Jimmy
--------------2-----5-----4-----3-----2--- on the skins for four bars

Outro riff 1:

------------------------- repeat 4x alone, then band comes in

I have no idea what those chords are, but try:

---0----0--- for the rest of the song

then play:

-------11p9-x------------------------------- play this 3 1/2 times and then
-------------------------------------------- go into the lead outro..

lead outro:
she will...
----------------------------------------------------------- repeat 12x under
---15p14----14-17p14-14-15-15-15-15-15-15p14----14--etc..-- "she will bury me
---------15----------------------------------15------------  she will bury me"

at 3:54 --


                                                                 slow  hold

Feedback, backwards guitar, noise....


Real love
Real love
Share your kisses, take your heart
Everything if it hurts

I love my sister so  
She don't smother me 
I played the spades I know 
I'm a Jack of all trades... would you bury me?

Once you see her
One inside 
Some things you just can't hide

If you see her
Tell me why 
Why won't she come outside?

She will... bury me.
She will... bury me.