Sleepwalker Sun

Bring' em

Sleepwalker Sun

As a prism that distills frequencies
That in conjunction become one
The regulation of light
And regulation of flow
Straighten what might have once randomly spun

Bring them
Parallel dimensions
Bring them
Uncorporeal tensions
Tear them
Into shapeless lenses
Hurl them
Into artificial trances

On the verge of random responses
The links are weakened in the chains
The former strictness of space
And the usual course of time
Are rearranged into kaleydoscopical chaos

Bring them
Parallel dimensions
Bring them
Uncorporeal tensions
Tear them
Into shapeless lenses
Hurl them
Into artificial trances

Three dimensions to express all the vectors
Only colors to provide textured spaces
No more cycles to uphold fixed conventions
No more angles that elude dissension

Shapes erupt from tired light prospectors
Randomly in each direction it faces
Liquid bonds can't provide enough tension
To avoid final crumbling of dimensions

Three dimensions to express all the vectors
Only colors to provide textured spaces
No more cycles to uphold fixed conventions
No more angles that elude dissension

Bring them
Parallel dimensions
Bring them
Uncorporeal tensions
Tear them
Into shapeless lenses
Hurl them
As a prism that distills frequencies

That in conjunction become one
The regulation of light
And regulation of flow
Straighten what might have once randomly spun