I stand surrounded and confounded by the holocaust Of a billion shrieking souls that have all twice been lost It seems that heaven’s no paradise, but a hellish prison instead And there isn’t a moment of rest for the ruthless dead: “Hear us, heed us! Mark us, be lost in our call This is eternity’s offering, our offering Your rightful place awaits… If you'll just scream with us If you'll just scream with us, your rightful place awaits." Louder still, as it bears upon us, bones begin to break. “Surrender now your piteous tongues; in our melody partake, Oh pious thirst, willing victims first, your mislead courage is but a curse.” “We’d rather die with unclouded eyes, than into this nightmare wake.” “To arms, to arms… God, save us from our faith in you.” With this began a bloody wrath upon our mortal lives A new meaning of despair that no man can survive Still defiantly we gaze into our God’s vengeance As the heavens unveil our unrelenting torments One by one, these words crept into our Hearts and mouths, we’d known them all along And suddenly, there was no need to fight at all, We had already overcome All too clear was the hatred within “Come, traitors,” All too clear was the triumph at hand “Hear us sing… You have forgotten your word, It is we that forgive you, now.”