Sleaze RoXxX

Girl From 80's

Sleaze RoXxX

Born too late I'm today's inmate
I can't accept a current day
Wasting years in the age of tears
As my times runnin' our
I saw her in the crowd
Bodacious poofer - it ain't over!
Explosive style
Ooh femme fatale (whistle) - WOW!!!

I wish she came to me
To save life of mine
Just one kiss on lips
Sent me back in time

Girl from 80s take me back please
Take me back to '81 - let me taste just
More fun
Girl from 80s take me back please
Back to '82 - that's all - all I wanna

Without greed, pocket full of speed
Fluidum of bad reputation
Heaven sent, no time to spend
My passion burns like fire
Let's taste the goods, back on track
Six white lines on the 'merican flag
Bang bang BOOM!!! In the boys
Go and start the greatest journey

And than she came to me
To save life of mine
Just one kiss on lips
Sent me back in time

Girl from 80s take me back please
Take me back to '83 - Let's shout
Within party spree
Girl from 80s take me back please
Back to '84 - C'mon - another year
To score
Girl from 80s take me back please
Take me back to '85 - Half a way and
Still alive
Girl from 80s take me back please
Back to '86 - Rock the night with
Our cheap tricks
Girl from 80s take me back please
Take me back to '88 - There's one
Year off, but I can't wait
Girl from 80s take me back please
Back to '89 - the end - whole end
End of the line