All I have is a strange feeling Shot in the back by a good friend My patience is reachin' the ceiling Freakin' Bastard Hold your breath and give ya arse chance 'Cause yourself deserve to be harmed How'd you like to pick up your teeth With a broken arm? Get outta me, outta my life Your treachery is a sin My anger is sharp as a knife I hope your arse is shakin' Breeze off, bugger off Stiff it up your ass Don't you hear? Disappear! Keep out for ya whole life Breeze off, bugger off With ya pretty mess I don't care who you are For me you ain't a star Short time ago I still remember Brown-nosing me day after day Now traitor is ya the middle name you Bloody Bastard Hit the gas and fuck off my country Fuck off my town and fuck off my street To muzzle you and all your shit This is what I need