I am a pitch believer, an unforsaken fly I got my cigarettes got my cartoons Used up with the users in America we try Disinfected so cool, just like you (Chorus) Sleep tight at home tonight Everything will be alright Don't blow me up just yet I'm having too much fun, I'm American I am a news receiver and no I feel no pain You look in the mirror to look at me Your sex and your religion is all the same Is disinfected so cool, just like me (Chorus) Sleep tight at home tonight Lock all the doors and leave on the lights Don't blow me up just yet I'm having too much fun, I'm American I am a pitch believer, an unforsaken fly I am a useless dealer, fortified and blind I am a news receiver, look at me I've got the life Don't beat it out of me, I'm disinfected I am a pitch believer and no I feel no pain I got my innocence I got my trial And everywhere the rain falls we won't complain We're disinfected so cool, and that's all right (first Chorus)