Slave To Sirens

Terminal Leeches

Slave To Sirens

Possess not a human
Obsess not over his flesh
For you shall be slave of time
Possess not a human

Obsess not over his flesh
For you shall be slave of time
Greed and hate is all that we know
A name written with blood and bones

Spiraling down into the dark abyss
They fill your head with lies
Ignorance, your ultimate demise
Race, so fragile so weak

Waiting for false salvation
Believe not in the trinkets of deceit
We are life's greatest
We are life's greatest abomination

Illiteracy is a dangerous thing
Drink deep or taste not the pierian spring
There shallow drafts
Intoxicate the brain

And drink largely sobers us again
Mutant species
Endless diseases
We feed on war

Terminal leeches
Cruelty nits a snare
Spread its bate with care
We feed on war

Terminal leeches
Mutant species
Endless diseases
We feed on war

Terminal leeches
Absolute terror
Pleasure to kill
Reign in chaos
Terminal leeches