She dumps the contents of her purse Onto the hightop drummer chair I could've sworn that I had sixty more dollars in there She said that I would not believe the things she'd read They'd written there, plain as day And I might turn to salt for staying too long Too long Too long Too long Beneath the booklight little songs sing out to me he's here again Squints his eyes and counts out ninety nine dollars in tens Says, " Well, since when can an honest man get high after a day Of honest work around these choir boys bringing me down " Me down Me down Me down Into the void, a plea to make it through the night My kind of man, always right Dead on deployment, see, your dog went toward the fight Licking his wounds, the stars in his eyes Sometimes the good ones leave before you've even seen them there at all Sometimes the good ones stay home waiting on government calls Sometimes the good ones like you best before you're hooked on aerosols Sometimes the good ones aren't quite good as you had recalled Recalled Recalled Recalled Come out candlelight Give me one big bite It's all for me Cough up smoke and ash Stare down the camera flash It's all I see What I think you know Somehow you should know But now it's free Into the void, a plea to make it through the night My kind of man, always right Dead on deployment, see, your dog went toward the fight Licking his wounds, the stars in his eyes