Nightmares of lusts perversion, So languid, Yet fragile, this torture never felt so fucking right. Dreams of violence, Screams of sodomy and war, If hate brings you to me, what the fuck is love good for? I've shed 1 000 tears but can't escape my midnight fright, And as i fall unto my knees, Bloody visions cloud my sight, I plea, please …by our side… We are your holy lazars, Of the bleeding kith and kin, Relinquished to all that it is, Your wraiths cascade to the grounds in ire. This prayer…for our purest disease… The shit, within realms of the living sin. This prayer… saturated with venom… Oh fallen lord, bestow us atrophy! And the moaning of stygian angels, Sing hymns to your hallowed praise. A blood tainted execution, Death's enrichments reach the cryptic dream. Deceive the weakness that is your fucking man, …your prayers exalted My conduct delivered, Licked by undying flames…