Days are being lived with meanless sensations and hallucinations. Feeded in not maturated minds, false smiles and hate behind of it. Appear the destiny of humanity... Morbid feelings are headerown. Collapsed imagines and killed freedom. Days are covered by fog. Evenif nights has pure evil colour. Morbid bodies and disgusting smells, coming from their souls. Virgin's nail track on the back of our commonders. Can't obstracted falling, pushes humanity to this eternal blank. It's too late for the things going to do. Ewerything is for advantages. No love!.. No friendship! Satan commands for the world from it's throne in hell Hopes entombed to grave to the place of ressuracted dead's Human life's valueless Just one important thing is most power, more money Warriors are meak now. War is ower And goodnesses are sucked by satan's servants