
The Thread Of Evermore


Harbringer of death and slaughter - 
(next time round you'll be the slain) 
Refuse the dying man your water - 
(thirst when you come back again). 
Don't spare the rod don't spoil the child - 
(I hope you like to take a beating) 
Feed your face while others starve - 
(you'd better learn to not miss eating.) 

Shining beaty - fair and wise, 
Has served it's time as dim an sallow 
An honest judge seeks truth through eyes 
Which once gazed lifeless from the gallows. 
Hands that heal the sick and lame, 
Long since held tools of inquisition. 
Tongues which speak words true and sane 
Have chanted sermons on perdition. 

Cross the bridge that spans forever 
Living thread of evermore. 
Without begining ending never, 
Living thread of evermore 
See the footprints in the sand 
Countless lifetimes gone before, 
Point our path with unseen hands 
The living thread of evermore. 

From egg and sperm 'neath sticky sheet, 
To ash and bone or maggot meat, 
The way looks neither pleasant or too long 
So have you stopped to wonder whether 
If when weighted against a feather, 
All your deeds appear so big and strong? 

Cross the bridge that spans forever 
Living thread of evermore. 
Without begining ending never, 
Living thread of evermore 
See the footprints in the sand 
Countless lifetimes gone before, 
Point our path with unseen hands 
The living thread of evermore. 

Light and dark complete the circle 
Find the yang to fit the Yin 
Barren desert - lush green myrtle 
Chase the wind to lift your wing 

From egg and sperm 'neath sticky sheet, 
To ash and bone or maggot meat, 
The way looks neither pleasant or too long 
So have you stopped to wonder whether 
If when weighted against a feather, 
All your deeds appear so big and strong? 

Cross the bridge that spans forever 
Living thread of evermore. 
Without begining ending never, 
Living thread of evermore