Skunk Anansie

On My Hotel T.V

Skunk Anansie

Skinny kack para, para dutty dykie nigger,
sell out whitey liberals who hang with blackie sinners,
Skinny kack para, para dutty dykie nigger,
sell out whitey liberals who hang with blackie sinners
On my hotel t.v, on my hotel t.v, private hotel t.v,
on my hotel t.v, turn it off
They, they, they, they, who the fuck are they?
you think that your conspiracies are the crux of all mytheories
They, they, they, gay, who the fuck is gay?
how dare I have a view & a verscae tattoo
On my hotel t.v, on my hotel t.v, private hotel t.v,
on my hotel t.v, turn it off
I can see, you want this war, there you will find your god
black black black black black black
white white white white white white
On my hotel t.v, on my hotel t.v, private hotel t.v,
on my hotel t.v, fucking on my t.v, fucking on my t.v, on myhotel t.v, private hotel t.v