Tom: Bm INTRO: A VERSE: A Billy said you take this bottle G D It's an awful lot like love A Em7 A You start out with a sip and you feel right swell A But you keep on drinking long enough G D And sometimes it gets mean A E7 A And the whole thing goes to hell A Now I've drank a lot more whiskey G D Then I've ever tasted love A Em7 A But there was one in Washakie A I didn't tell her about the bounty G D Didn't know her long enough A Em7 A They killed her when they missed me CHORUS: A G D F Ah hooooo hoooo oooh A Em7 A Love is good until it's gone VERSE: A Now this train we hit tomorrow G D Ain't no church on Sunday stroll A Em7 A They'll have side arms 12's and tins A Better ride out like I told you G D A Or you'll end up with a hole in your chest Em7 A And you won't ride back again VERSE: A I let you stay on for the money G D 'Cause you keep your muzzle shut A Em7 A Me I kinda do it for the fame A And I know the plan is workin' G D 'Cause every time I dole the cut A Em7 A They raise the wanted number 'neath my name CHORUS: A G D F Ah hooooo hoooo oooh A Em7 A Money's good until it's gone A G D F Ah hooooo hoooo oooh A Em7 A It's alright until it all goes wrong BDA K: A G D And we drank a lot of bourbon F A And we gambled and we rolled A Em7 A And we spent up all we held up stages for A G D When I contemplated freedom F A He said devil's truth be told A Em7 A We both want whiskey, fame and money more INSTRUMENTAL: A D F A Em7 A A VERSE: A I was on a horse named Copper G D When we met up near the wall A Em7 A And I told myself I'd change his name to Gold A This was gonna be my last one hell G D The biggest one of all A Em7 A And I kinda liked the thought of gettin' old VERSE: A We were right on time and plan G D But they had more than 12's and tins A Em7 A They uncovered what they called a Gatling gun A I went down and Copper with me G D When I felt lead twice again A Em7 A And I couldn't feel my legs to even run CHORUS: A G D F Ah hooooo hoooo oooh A Em7 A Freedom's good until it's gone A G D F Ah hooooo hoooo oooh A Em7 A A It's alright until it all goes wrong VERSE; A Now there's a ring of black above me G D Up there circling in the sky A Em7 A And if I knew how you can bet your life I'd pray A I can hear the pracher sayin' G D You'll have nothing when you die A Em7 A I guess I thought at least I'd have a grave CHORUS: A G D F Ah hooooo hoooo oooh A Em7 A Life is good until it's gone A G D F Ah hooooo hoooo oooh A Em7 It's alright until OUTRO: A G D F A Em7 A ============================== CAPO: NONE =============================== SONG: UNTIL IT'S GONE ARTIST: SKIP EWING TAB BY: C N CZARSKI UNTIL IT'S GONE SKIP EWING CAPO: NONE INTRO: B VERSE: B Billy said you take this bottle A E It's an awful lot like love B F#m7 B You start out with a sip and you feel right swell B But you keep on drinking long enough A E And sometimes it gets mean B F#7 B And the whole thing goes to hell B Now I've drank a lot more whiskey A E Then I've ever tasted love B F#m7 B But there was one in Washakie B I didn't tell her about the bounty A E Didn't know her long enough B F#m7 B They killed her when they missed me CHORUS: B A E G Ah hooooo hoooo oooh B F#m7 B Love is good until it's gone VERSE: B Now this train we hit tomorrow A E Ain't no church on Sunday stroll B F#m7 B They'll have side arms 12's and tins B Better ride out like I told you A E B Or you'll end up with a hole in your chest F#m7 B And you won't ride back again VERSE: B I let you stay on for the money A E 'Cause you keep your muzzle shut B F#m7 B Me I kinda do it for the fame B And I know the plan is workin' A E 'Cause every time I dole the cut B F#m7 B They raise the wanted number 'neath my name CHORUS: B A E G Ah hooooo hoooo oooh B F#m7 B Money's good until it's gone B A E G Ah hooooo hoooo oooh B F#m7 B It's alright until it all goes wrong BDA K: B A E And we drank a lot of bourbon G B And we gambled and we rolled B F#m7 B And we spent up all we held up stages for B A E When I contemplated freedom G B He said devil's truth be told B F#m7 B We both want whiskey, fame and money more INSTRUMENTAL: B E G B F#m7 B B VERSE: B I was on a horse named Copper A E When we met up near the wall B F#m7 B And I told myself I'd change his name to Gold B This was gonna be my last one hell A E The biggest one of all B F#m7 B And I kinda liked the thought of gettin' old VERSE: B We were right on time and plan A E But they had more than 12's and tins B F#m7 B They uncovered what they called a Gatling gun B I went down and Copper with me A E When I felt lead twice again B F#m7 B And I couldn't feel my legs to even run CHORUS: B A E G Ah hooooo hoooo oooh B F#m7 B Freedom's good until it's gone B A E G Ah hooooo hoooo oooh B F#m7 B B It's alright until it all goes wrong VERSE; B Now there's a ring of black above me A E Up there circling in the sky B F#m7 B And if I knew how you can bet your life I'd pray B I can hear the pracher sayin' A E You'll have nothing when you die B F#m7 B I guess I thought at least I'd have a grave CHORUS: B A E G Ah hooooo hoooo oooh B F#m7 B Life is good until it's gone B A E G Ah hooooo hoooo oooh B F#m7 It's alright until