Group: Skankin' Pickle Album: Sing Along w/ Skankin' Pickle Everything about this song is AWESOME, especially the title. The best thing about it overall is that it is a plain fun song, and you'll have fun playing it. First part Second part G|----------------|---------------| D|----------------|---------------| A|----------6-8-6-|------4-6666-4-| E|--4XXXXXX-------|--444----------| G|--------------------------------------------------| D|--------------------------------------------------| A|--44444444--66666666--88888888--33333333-44444444-| E|--------------------------------------------------| G|------------------------| D|------------------------| A|--66666666--------4-6-4-| E|------------4XXXX-------| uh that's it, i think, but if i forgot something, figure it out yerself, it's not THAT hard of a song!