
Easy Silly Punk Song


Tom: C


Hei, this im my first tab posted on "guitar tabs" so be patient with me
the song is called "sex in plex" its a song of a romanian punk band
the song was written in romanian language so i transcribed here in an aproximate way
because my very poor english ,anyway the guitar tab are just right.
i hope u like this silly easy punk song.
if want to tell me anything send my on * your message

    intro  4 times

   verses 4 times
       i belive is true          you wanna  stay with as

       c`mon unaked once         cose we are ready all

   if you have courage in you    or you have a perverted mind

      c`mon here on my place     cose i am full of sex dreams

    4 times
          sex          sex           sex     sex sex in plex

                       sex           sex     sex sex in pleee (screaming)

          eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeex      sex sex in plex

 you was told me u are virgin      have     bad parents
                      and you

 but i see you are full          disseses   and pubic fleas(?)

 you are take are good health     you tell now if you want

 you still tell me u are virgin   tonight rape you will have
                        i quess

     8 times
          sex          sex           sex     sex sex in plex

                       sex           sex     sex sex in pleee (screaming)

          eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeex      sex sex in plex