


You're my superhero, you are a lot more than bright
impress me with your stories, you are so nice and kind
tell me what you can do, please tell me who you are
tell me where your love has gone except we go too far

Please tell me now a story, don't stop talk about yourself
tell me how they've kissed you, it's only half past twelve
well, I want more from the good stuff, you say you have too much
if you're preggin' now getting on my nerves so you better watch

You are the smartest person, you have more friends than I
You have a lot of money and no reason to die
Well, I want more from the good stuff, you say you have too much
if you're preggin' now getting on my nerves so you better watch

You're a fucking bastard I don't care what you say!
So piss off, go home, get out of my way!
I don't need you I don't want you you discust me
why d'you think you are the best and fuck the rest

Please, please die!