
Greedy Joe


Wo yea-e ha-ah-ah yea-ha-ah hammh mmh mmh 
Yea-yea-e aye-ya-ah oh-oh-oh 

Give it up Greedy Joe-o-o. 
See yu taking and yu bound fi fall, mi come fi mek yu know. 
So speedily yu tun mi foe-o-o. 
Yu did haf di youts dem in nuf corruption a grow yo. 


Well den. 
See a whey mi haf and yu been wanting. 
Den yu run come a grab, I have been asking. 
Why is di youts dem livity yu haf been stealing. 
Bigger man member a concrete make yu ceiling. 
Whats the meaning of life without living. 
I live so, I have to continue givin. 
See yu making yu gaps. 
Well den I come bridging 
Give me no more mishaps 
Ghetto youts, no more killin. 
I'm still gonna say. 

Cho (some changes) 

Well den. 
The day makes possible everyting, 
So take your share and live loving, 
To the way, yu been handling di youts. 
Yu know wi got to sing 
Judgement keeps Coming 
Your fence will be burning 
Beat the levels-yu get nothing, 
I bring the sword I bring the sing. 
Look at the crowd, love they bring 
Shout aloud as Salassie King. 
Watch yu dutty living, fire will be burning Aye 

Cho (some changes) 

I tell yu say I'm going home so Zion makes prepare. 
Don't know when I will reach but I know I will be there, 
I'm trodding through a region of polluted atmosphere. 
Dey teach di youts fi loot, never to love nor care. 
Illusion is the only thing whey dem cheer. 
One decision wi haf to leave outa here. 
Oh yoyo-yo-yo-yo 

Cho (some changes)