Six Feet Under

Bringer Blood

Six Feet Under

Tom: G

Album: Bringer of Blood

Transcribed By: Mason
Email:          M*

.  - palm mute           /  - slide up to
\  - slide down to       ~  - vibrato
p  - pull off            Suffixes for bend
t  - tap                 f  - full bend    h - half bend
ph - pinched harmonic    q  - quarter bend t - tap bend
*  - see comment         ^  - Hold bend    r release bend
,  - slight palm mute    () - ghost note, sustained note
"  - tremolo note         - Trill

Tunning  C F Bb Eb G C

I love this riff
       . . . . .

                    . .

This one too (*Strum all notes)

Get the timing down youself bitch lol

For correctinos please correct i don't have the best ear in the world


 - \m/aZe