What you see is what you know In this great and secret show Your eyes went where you will go With eyes closed you're more alone Keep your eyes open wide When you can Keep your eyes open wide Your eyes are feeding your mind With beauty of day and night The glory and dirt compiled Nothing escapes from your sight Sometimes keep your eyes closed If you can Sometimes keep your eyes closed Close...eyes One should respect and learn the true The true virtue of sight The art of keeping your eyes wide The art of keeping your eyes tightly shut Sometimes you wish you didn't see Things burnt into memory Things coming back in your dreams Could you choose? There is no choice in your eyes For things you like or despise Maybe that's where justice dies Blind where eye tells truth from lies One should respect and learn the true The true virtue of sight The art of keeping your eyes wide The art of keeping your eyes tightly shut If you could choose Filter your sight Reflect only What can not hurt Sometimes To avert Your look Makes all the difference in your book Everything You do see Gets burned into your memory One should respect and learn the true The true virtue of sight The art of keeping your eyes wide The art