What you doin' with him? What you doin' with him? Hey even on a whim Why did you take him? Hey, what you doin' with him? You're the only thing You're the only thing You're the only thing That I like 'bout him Hey, what you doin' with him? (Chorus) Oh I'm beginning to understand Oh I'm beginning to understand Why I can't have you Why I can't have you Hey why can't I have you? I got my hands in you I gotten used to you So say you need me too So say you need me too So say you need me too I gotta hear it from you It's all I need you to do (Chorus) There's something more at play There's something more at play There's something more at play There's something you don't say Well I don't play that way Someone been talking cheap I wonder that they say I wonder what they say I can't help what they say They say it anyway (Chorus)