Sister James

Seen You Around

Sister James

I’m at your house I’m with your friend I know exactly
Who you are I wonder if you’ve seen me around
I make you laugh with a dumb joke I imagine you without clothes
I wonder if you’re down to get married

Why don’t we move to New Jersey buy a house surrounded
By trees we’ll finally have some privacy
We’ll have 2 kids we’ll name them bob and roberta because
I know how much you look up to your dad
When I meet him ill lie about how much I love to watch football
And I'll make music seem like a real job

If you go before me
I won’t be mad
If our kids put me in a home
If I go before you
Go see someone else
No one should ever be that alone
I’m at your house I’m with your friend I know exactly
Who you are you say that you’ve never seen me around