Tell me your name boy Tell me your big, big plans And I'll tell you mine Tell me your future And I'll give you just one chance To tell me a lie Well best you be careful With all those big, big plans As yours is now mine And I'll stab you in the back boy Just give me one big chance And I'll rip out your eyes Supply and demand The temple of man That's what it's all about Why don't you read about The coming of Christ This little device There's nothing left of you All but the plastic in your eyes All but the plastic in your eyes And like birds to a scarecrow We're gonna lend you all the trust in the world Oh we'll watch as you scream and you shout And we'll pretend like we never knew Cause boy you mean nothing, nothing at all In this big, bad world of mine Well thank you for suffering You've done us all proud Now fuck off and die Credit Debit Turn over Variance Deposit Withdrawal Conversion Progression Growth Flux Trend Surrogate Proxy Alteration Instability Indifference There it is again, our great deity In full colour, high definition rgb Cold and meaningless, staring back at me Just an avatar, on a computer screen