The time has come For me to face who I have become The looking glass stares back hard Who are the one before me This lost and lonely soul so frail and scarred Give away to the pain of yesterday We're all lost, scarred and broken anyway Like the darkness conquers the night Will a new dawn come to life (come to life) Like the day gives into the night Will the sunset cease the light (cease the light) I hold my pledge to thee Who darken all my dreams The haunting past Endures my persistence at long last I gave my all for no greater cause At the end it dawned on me There was no need to even carry on Give away to the pain of yesterday We're all lost, scarred and broken anyway Like the darkness conquers the night Will a new dawn come to life (come to life) Like the day gives into the night Will the sunset cease the light (cease the light) I hold my pledge to thee Who darken all my dreams Dying emotions and dreams All led a drift on the stygian stream Cursed down below and beneath This river will seize and secrete I drown in the currents I'm embrace by the styx A stifling burden A total eclipse Silence speaks louder than the knife Timeless appears the void that wore me down Right to the ground Like the darkness conquers the night Will a new dawn come to life (come to life) Like the day gives into the night Will the sunset cease the light (cease the light) I hold my pledge to thee Who darken all my dreams