Tom: F F the woods and the town covered in snow Am all transformed to a fairytale F like the fresh page of a book opened up Am ready F waiting Am for the story to begin F for you’re all in a scene Am objects in black ink F fringed in white Am breathing and living F and anticipating Am a color F Am all transformed to a fairytale F unreal and inviting Am inviting you to step in F Am and follow the path never-ending F you’re now leaving imprints Am and somehow expecting F Am expecting someone F maybe the prince in disguise Am suffering a snow queen curse F but you’re wrong of course Am it’s in reverse F out in the snow Am muffled F the last silent night Am the last sacrifice F red running over white Am red running over white F red running over white Am red running over white F running red Am over white F running red Am over white F red over white Am red over white F red Am over white