Falling down asleep in an oasis full of blooms the ancient gods could see an exposition of an evil mind The awaken divinity indeed creeped around the blooms searching for the destiny and finally ascend the throne Rip out the Eyes of Horus Until no blood drops down Rip out the Eyes of Horus Until we seize the crown The new born king climbed up to the mountains to bury the eyes into black virgin soil and time after time the human seed grow up to an orchid with endless soil Deep in the Eyes of Seth Pure stupidity or stupid purity an irresistible resplendance when the new king speaks: Seth: "I am the new born child ruler of the egyptian empire Master of the storms, the desert, of destruction Slaughter of Osiris prostrate in front of me kneel in the dust in front of me" Servants: "Hail to the King! Hail to the King!" Seth: "Writhe in the Dust in front of me!" Servants: "Hail to the King! Hail to the King!" Seth: "I am God!"