Sins Of Sincerity

I Swear It's Easier

Sins Of Sincerity

Ou woah oh oh
Don't you doubt you can count on me

I swear it's so much easier
So just hang on for now

So just hang on for now
For now, for now, for now
It'll all work out somehow

You feel lost in your thoughts
You're stuck in a knot
Ghosting out for so damn long
You need time to heal
So you can start to feel
I know in the end you'll believe it's real
Two years ago now
Somebody showed me how
To be at my best
Even when I feel low

I swear it's so much easier
To live without the doubt
Keep your head up, you'll figure it out
I promise it gets easier
With your mind clear
Ive seen it myself

Yeah life can seem like its unfair
Like its too much to bear
Never let up, you'll figure this out
Slow down and take your time, don't fear
Believe it's near and you'll see it's here

You criticize your every move
Hate to leave town, you lost your groove
Change your ways, change your perception
Guide yourself in the right direction

See yourself in a brand new light
Love what you are, it's your only life
If you search then you will find
That's the bottom line
Believe in yourself, c'mon

Believe in who you are, c'mon
Believe in yourself
Believe in what you are, c'mon
Believe in yourself

We have done this, we are your proof
Yeah we all made it, so I know that you can too
Imagine this, there's no limits
Dream big and create the world where you exist

I promise it gets easier
With your mind clear, I’ve seen it myself
Slow down and take your time, don't fear
Believe it's near and you'll see it's here