
Le Menteur


Oh dear, remember
All your poems written to me?
By hell or high water
I know you’ll wake up

Keep fоllow my whisper
Calling you through that deep dream
You’ll finish that bridge
And the fog will lift up

The prison is like a labyrinth
With no doors or windows
Another reality
Has a very new sense

Oh dear! As time goes
You forgot we are trapped here
You’ll wake up I promise
The angels told me

Go down mind bender to milky way
Earth turns elysium one day
I said before I flew away
Le menteur!
Forgive me!

No matter where are you
The journey makes you alive
The changing of bodies
Keeps souls to rise high

She’s putting the puzzles
In one big immensity
And no one can ever
Go far to perceive

Slowly swimming through the glace
Shining beauty of the space
Lucent and grace