I can’t believe my eyes I’m wondering ‘how the hell did we get here? ’ I should have known you were up to something But I ignored my gut and we’ve been stuck in this rut since I never thought you’d go that low And what makes it worse is we were so close How can you expect to disrespect me and think we’re shaking hands? You better think again I thought you knew me better than that When lies and doubt are all surrounding, I cut all ties It’s overwhelming You’re a ghost in my heart now and I’ve given all I can Until we meet again I tried but I don’t think that I can get past this No, I can’t let this go All you seem to think about are second chances You can’t even own up to the things that you do And now you’re blowing up my phone ‘Cause it’s been two weeks since we had last spoke This is all your fault and you know it’s true I’m just over you I love you, but fuck you I trusted you and you showed me your true colors If an eye for an eye makes the world go blind Then we’re about to be some blind motherfuckers I trusted you