


Picket fences in decline
Out the way I'm coming up
I'm connected
I'm infected
Now your fuckin time is up
I know it's all sublime
But this is not a crime
Be rejected
Not affected
It happens every fuckin time

I'm wired
Wired into you
Wired into your life

Living a life that's so obscene from the sewer to the dream
Unpredicted I'm addicted
Living in this fuckin dream
With all the shit that's in the way
Gotta know just what to think
I can see it
Gotta believe it
Now I'm on the fuckin brink

Society is killing me
Society electric

I'm wired
Wired into you
Wired into your life

Stop believing everything
That you see up on the screen
Good to know you
Had to show you
You know what the fuck I mean
Take the hypocritic oath
Then your life would be a joke
Across the nation
Got you by the fuckin throat

Is killing me
Is killing me
Society electric