Singh Kaur

Laura's Hill

Singh Kaur

There's a place in my heart
That I visit so often
One look in your eyes
Takes me there

As we walk Laura's hill in the magic of twilight
Your hand holding mine
Takes me there

Is minic a thugain chuaiet
Go ati ait I' mo croi'
Ta'I'm ansia yu leis an radho'c
I'do shuil
Ag siul ar Cnoc Lavea
I'draicht anclapsolais
Ag coinnigh greima'do lamh
Taim ansin

And to think I never knew, of your secret garden
And to think I never knew, of your secret place

Siulim tamaill ansin
In e'ineacht leat mo ghr'a thu
Lhs an ghai'rdi'n, an maineir
Ina bhfuil do choi' bheannai'the

May I walk there awhile with you my love
And to the garden meadow of your secret heart

Gan fhios or loith agam
Faoi do gha'I'di'n aislingeach
Gan fhios or loith agam
Faoi an ait bheannaithe sin

There's a place in my heart
That I visit so often
One look in your eyes
Takes me there

As we walk Laura's hill in the magic of twilight
Your hand holding mine
Takes me there