this used to be a lonely place now it's morning time And it was the only place morning time Then Mary paid off the angel so that it's morning time he night stops right here and know that morning time one thousant pictures they come down the roadway they're gold and they're black like a motor cycle Helen and Mary are carrying flames for the wild fire, for the wild fire just get away from your tears what you got is already and spoken for over your shoulder they still want some revenge as you know as you know you seen that you got that morning time morning time morning time morning time morning time morning time morning time morning time move it out move it out he was a gun runner took all his money to a better place cool air it blows through your window you turn for the same thing for the same thing outside there's all kind of ways you can travel breaks over here breaks over there you get there now and you get there quick from the sun breaks and the low run then you climb on then you climb on this was a lonely place now it's morning time and it was the only place morning time then Mary paid off the angel so that it's morning time the night stops right here know that morning time morning time morning time you get that you seen that you want that you need that you got that you want that you seen that you need that Helen and Mary Helen and Mary Helen and Mary Helen and Mary I just got to get to you now I just got to get to you now I just got to get to you now I just got to get to you now this morning time