Sin of Kain


Sin of Kain

The appearance of her will be
The victim of her sensitive consciousness
She sees the smile on my face
The fond provision at time of her Death
Pulverises with my only belief
She wipes off her tears
Instinct for life and I see
Myself before me

Cruelty funeral oration heards from
The graveyard of rushing time
Rising solitude blows up from the heart of
The commemorating fondness at every night
Sorrow touches the soul
Of bleeding me and I see that
The soil falls to the coffin and
Knocks on the wood

The cross falls down and the trees
Sing the Hymn of a dead man's agony
Who mourns the life that he left
When he bears and despises his destiny

He closes his eyes and tries to forget
What happened in the minute of solitude

'cause he doesn't know that
It's not a dream, it's indeed a funeral

Trembling voices, paralized limbs
Bleeding heart, whispering prayer
Injured human, sense of fear
He bows his head and holds his breath
Eternal life has turned to fall
Inseparable love has turned to die
Bitterness awakes his heart and sees
That he suffer more with ease