Simply Red

Words For Girlfriends

Simply Red

Do I feel jealousy when you're free without me?
Do I feel that my love will stay with you forever?
In memoriam of my lovers will you sleep with me forever?
Oh most certainly I never did doubt you

You surround yourself with trinkets like they're meaningfulpossessions,
Like some squirrel in the garden with expensive permutations,
Save me
They'll outlive you in the end will be your final realisation
Oh most certainly I never did doubt you

Words for girlfriends parading as songs
to be living with songs, yet without you
Words for girlfriends parading as songs
'Though I never ever really did doubt you, no...

As we search our lives forever for perfection in relations,
I can dream of love and scheme of love with all itscomplications,
Ideals are fine for beauty but for love they fool relations
Oh most certainly I never did doubt you

Words for girlfriends parading as songs
to be living with you, yet without you
Words for girlfriends parading as songs
'Though I never ever really did doubt you,
No I never ever really did doubt you

As we search our lives forever for perfection in relations,
I can dream of love and scheme of love with all itscomplications...

They're just words, only words