Tom: Dm Dm Dm Dm C [Verse 1] Bb C Dm C And I saw a new heaven and a new earth, Bb Gm Dm For the former heaven and the former earth have passed away, Bb C Dm And I saw the holy city of Jerusalem, Bb Gm A New, descending from God from heaven. [Verse 2] Bb C Dm C And I heard a loud voice from heaven, saying: Bb Gm Dm Behold, the tabernacle of God with men, Bb C Dm And He will dwell with them; they will be His people, Bb Gm A And God Himself with them will be their God. [Verse 3] Dm Bb F C And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more; Gm F Bb Gm A No crying, no outcry, no sickness, for the former has passed. Dm Bb F C And He who sat on the throne said: Behold, I am making everything new. And he says to me: Gm F Bb Gm A Write; for these words are true and true, true and true.