Just get in your car And strap yourself in tight Fix your eyes on a distant point And turn on the headlights Push your foot to the floor And lock both your doors So I can't chase you anymore My friend And please don't slow down Until you hear that old cold ocean Or until you think you hear somebody drowning Or some other body suffocating Then take a deep breath slowly Say a Hail Mother Mary That you won't see me ever again My friend You're going to split open the mountains Because you're on that thin ribbon of highway And all the men from the prisons Will be shoving signs in the shoulder blades Your lane is coming to an end And you don't love me anymore My friend There's a toll-taker at the end of the turnpike Holding up a million cars He's everything you pictured as you traveled through the dark Sitting on the bank of a million stars And if he waves you through and tells you to Beware of fallen rock and landslides You'll see that murder in his eyes As he drops your change into the drawer And if you wonder why there's murder in his eyes It's because you don't need him anymore