Truth rotted in his bowls as he threw in the towel And you watched him hang and howl at the slick-haired vultures Now you pray he reappears cause they say he was a seer With fire burning in his hands and something eating at his liver Now you need him more now than ever don't you? They're searching through the corn for a dead naked child You hope she comes out of hiding before the blackbirds turn and fly south And it may be spinning backwards but the earth is still a sphere Where they drag your children out of the corn or from the river And you need them now more than ever don't you? Well they don't want your soul to be caught hanging precariously When they find your body thawing somewhere in the corn So they nailed up a scarecrow in the middle of an empty feild He's frozen and he ain't doing nothing but you can go ahead and stone him if you need to Don't you need to now more than ever?